Card of the day: The Lovers. Again.

Card of the day: The Lovers. Again. In the 3 1/2 years I've owned this deck, I have pulled this card MAYBE a handful of times. I admit sometimes, and skeptically so, i have even thumbed through the deck just to make sure it was actually in there because it was one of just a few that so rarely come out. As a single person, ya want the Lovers, dammit! But the Universe has had another message for me during this time and so, ok. Can't fight the least, not successfully. I meditated on this message for awhile today because it's really trying to be heard by coming in on repeat for now 3 or 4 days. What I do believe in my heart is that the cosmos are affirming love for those who have needed it. Myself included. It's a lovely thing, and in it, I recognize my own self-work here. Because I admit, somewhere in me is finding it hard to take in. The thing is, when you are sensitive as I am, and you have been hurt as I have, closing all the doors and windows to your heart and not getting your hopes up keeps you safe from more pain. But we also know this is no way to live. At its root, this is a worthiness issue. We all, in some way, have issues of self-worth. We are all a work in progress, perfect in our imperfections. This message today is a reminder of the perfection that you are, right now in whatever mess of life and issues you find yourself in. You are love, worthy of being loved. You must believe in your love and believe yourself worthy of love and good things. The Mother (Queen) of Pentacles is a woman focused on family and home life. She works hard to provide what is needed to those who depend upon her. She is a strong, nurturing feminine energy. These are her top priorities and she handles her biz, BUT she need not do it alone. The Emporer has similar priorities expressed in a very masculine way. He is structured, strong, protective, and family-oriented, as well. Together they do make a strong match. For an affirmation, I pulled an additional card and received none other than love's beginning, the Ace of Cups. This is a love reading, plain and simple. So whether coupled or single, the message here is clear: it is time to trust in love again.



Card of the day: The Lovers

Card of the day: The Lovers. The Lovers are the symbol for soulmates, twin flames, two as one, mirrors, get the idea. The Son (Knight) of Swords must be read with the surrounding cards. He is a forceful, stir-shit-up kind of energy...this can be good, and it appears to be here. He is intellectual, analytical, sharp, witty, quick. These cards are here today with the Star. The Star brings hope to any and all readings. I think, quite simply, whether coupled or single, this reading is a restoration of hope in love. And brace yourself, because it appears to be hope that comes in like the wind and shakes things up. Like, it might even come crashing head on and burn your house down or something...notice how the Star appears to be riding the Knight's sword as they come barreling without a care into the Lovers. Wowza! Nothing better than hope and love barreling into stuff, am I right? Sounds fun. Traditionally, the Lovers are Gemini (air), the Star represents Aquarius(air,) the suit of swords is all Air signs, so Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra. This particular knight represents air with fire, specifically, Gemini/Aries. Perhaps this represents someone, but maybe to maximize the energy, taking on the qualities of air signs would be of benefit. Air signs are typicially social, intellectual, analytical, curious, clever, and in my experience, really funny. In partnership, it's funny because I think we all have this list of qualities we think would make someone a good fit for us, but what I always come back to is laughter. Do they make you laugh? Laughter makes us feel "high" and light and free (air/air signs.) Laughter is the closest feeling (maybe second closest 😉) we have to freedom in this life as it allows us to escape the weight of our humanness, even if just momentarily. This is why it is so attractive when someone laughs, because it is their "freedom" or true self revealed. Imo, anyone that can make you laugh is a true mirror and worthy partner because they are able to reflect the ultimate "you," your spirit, back upon yourself. Do they make you laugh? My advice today, let laughter lead the way. Namaste ❤
