Card of the day: The Hierophant. Interesting! The Hierophant is the Taurus card, a card of structure and conformity. The Tower is the Aries card, a card destruction and of structure collapsing. Between the two is the 2 of Cups, a card of partnerships and soul contracts. I interpret this as a divine partnership where the two hearts desire to create something new. The words repeating in my head are "first, you must learn the rules in order to break them." This could be romantic or business, but it is positive in my opinion. I see this as a trailblazing and new (Aries) kind of partnership, but partners who wish to build something strong and unique, but that lasts (Taurus.) The advice here is to follow the structure and watch as something unique unfolds.The laws of the Universe are the same for everyone, despite some of us having that "trailblazing" nature. You must put in the work in order to reap the status and rewards. You must show the Universe your intention by your action. If what you desire to create is in your mind, it is possible, but not without some amount of kind of conformity. Desiring to be a trailblazer isn't enough. Your work must be good. The work in itself is the trailblazer, really, not you. You are the conduit for the work. Check in with your intentions today and make sure your work is in service of love and others and of the planet. If it is and you are doing what you have the energy to do, then all will fall into place in the right time.
Namaste 💜
PS it's my busiest time of year. I'll be falling behind on these daily readings...