Card of the day: The Tower. I believe the cards are speaking of the volatile energies in the air between now and the full moon in Libra on Saturday. There are several aspects of tension and I think the Tower today is giving us a heads up that there will be some upheaval in the form of flared tempers, miscommunications, and things just not following the way we'd like. It's not necessarily scary stuff, nothing to spaz about, but as they say, forewarned is forearmed. The 5 of Swords is there too, and this is indicating that your reactions to whatever situations may arise could actually be more destructive than the events themselves. There may be a sense of urgency to this stuff, but not so. These energies pass. The 3 of Cups reminds us that panic and worry are unnecessary because things eventually settle down and there is peace, once more. As you approach your day today, just set the intention to stay cool. Whatever comes up today, I'm cool. I going to be the cool head.
Namaste 💛