We enter Aquarius season this week and can I just say 'thank the heavens above!?!' No offense to the Capricorns out there, but this Cap season, well, with the eclipses and Saturn/Pluto conjunction....I'd very much like to be done. I keep seeing memes that say something like "my 2020 starts next month" and I have to say yes to that.
We must trust that the heavens are perfectly designed and understand that Aquarius follows Capricorn for a reason. In Capricorn, we focus heavily on our material world, our goals, our, legacy, our tangible successes and failures. We can get locked up in materialism in Capricorn and lose track of who we are outside of our ‘stuff.’ The thing about this Capricorn season is that there has been SO MUCH and too much of anything will always take a toll.
However, enter Aquarius season and we start to let go a little...or a lot. We see the bigger picture of not only our individual lives but the collective as a whole, and in some unexplainable way, this energy begins to set us free. Aquarian energy is still quite powerful and intense, but with Aquarius we move to the element of Air, and the overall feeling certainly becomes more light and free, more fun and unconventional. In the air signs we remember fun, humor, sociability, and spontaneity are all key pieces of our whole. Aquarius is the, rebel, the weirdo, the alien, and the true free spirit of the zodiac. Aquarius is the higher mind and the eagle's eye view. Aquarius soars above on a different plane because they are free of the worry of what others think! Aquarius teaches us the importance of detachment with regard to the emotions, judgements, and expectations that tie us to this 3rd dimension. With Aquarius, we remember that when we truly detach, maybe even have a little fun, our goals actually, somehow magically, manifest that much faster.
Aquarius is an air sign which means they are very social, funny, and likable. They love to talk. They love to think and philosophize. I would say Aquarians make great teachers or artists or something, but the truth is, they make great everything. Aquarians are versatile and whatever their path, they will blaze it.
Aquarians have many friends, but the funny thing I've noticed about my Aquarius friends is they are popular, yet loners, too. Much like the Star in the Tarot, (the card that represents Aquarius,) they are extremely alluring and magnetic in their own cosmic way, drawing us closer, yet they can still feel so very far away. They tend to run their ever-changing social circle, fitting in everywhere, and yet simultaneously, fitting in nowhere at all. Aquarius always stands out, though sometimes it is hard for the rest of us to put a finger on why. I find unless they have some really hard aspects to the Aquarian energy in their natal chart, they usually don't mind this either, in fact, they prefer it. They prefer to keep people guessing and it's a truly rare few who make it to the inner sanctum of an Aquarius' heart, where, if you're lucky, you'll find the biggest, sweetest heart in all the zodiac. (This a nod to my beautiful big-hearted Aquarian friend, Rachel ❤ yoga teacher and shamanic breathwork facilitator, on Instagram @fox-spiritindustries, go follow her work)
I'm getting pretty good at identifying people by their sun and/or rising sign and I find that when I'm stumped, the person's got to be heavily Aquarian, although, I do think there’ something in the eyes… No Aquarius is like another, there is no common denominator and that is because Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. People are surprised by David Bowie's Capricorn sun because he is like, the epitome of how I would describe Aquarius to be; so unusual and alien, literally 'the man who fell to the earth.' But if you study his chart, he has Aquarius rising and several planets in opposition to his ascendant, including the moon, Saturn, and Pluto. But even more notably to me, he has his Sun/Mars conjunction making an inconjunct aspect to his chart ruler Uranus, (I find the inconjunct to be a very prominent and powerful aspect) making him a very alluring and very Aquarian/Uranian person.
Uranus is unique, the so-called 'great disruptor' of the zodiac, but also the 'great awakener.' Uranus and Aquarius come into our lives to get us out of where we are stuck and shift us into the higher mind and what we are meant to be. When Aquarians cross your path, trust that you are being realigned and upgraded in some way, even if the experience itself is difficult.
If you have a prominent Uranus in your birth chart or any major planets or points in Aquarius in your birth chart, it is part of your life path to break free somewhere, to stand out and embrace your uniqueness, maybe even rebel. If you resist your individuality and force yourself conform in this area of life, situations and people will continue to come into your life to shake you up. With prominent Aquarius, you are meant to be unlike any other that has come before. Uranus and Aquarius energy, when resisted, can be quite difficult, my friends, it's true. It's like a tornado and it can do a lot of damage if resisted. My advice is to let go of where you feel afraid. Ask yourself, 'what am I clinging to and why?' Let it go, knowing that what is meant to be will be.
I have several personal experiences with Uranus...but here is one. I have a trine to Uranus in my 6th house, from my 10th house Pisces Sun. The 6th is the house of work, daily habits, routines, rituals, and health matters. Throughout my life I have confused countless doctors with my strange and unusual (Uranus) ailments. I have also had many odd (Uranus) jobs, but I seem to get terrible anxiety (Uranus is also anxiety) over even the most mundane work. However, I've learned that when I let go of my fear of failure and I am working for myself (Pisces sun,) creating my own schedule and focusing on my art as work and spiritual life as legacy (Pisces 10th,) my health is good, in fact, my health is unusually great and I never even get a cold! In short, if I'm not aligned spiritually and creatively, Uranus will make me sick. This energy is prominent not only due to the trine in my chart, but also with Aquarius on my MC. I have to work with Uranus, he is part of my journey. He teaches me I have to work hard and keep my life organized so I can continue to do my own weird (Aquarian) work thing or... I'll get sick and without going into details, i’m talking like life and death kinda sick. I use this as a personal example to show the power of the Uranian/Aquarian shake ups. Every chart is unique, but if there are things in your life that make you go hmmm? I highly suggest studying up on the Aquarian/Uranian energy in your chart. Remember, this energy wants to align you to your highest potential.
Aquarius New Moon
This week we'll see our much anticipated new moon in Aquarius at 4°. Why is it much anticipated? Well, it's the first new moon outside of eclipse season and this is usually a good time. The funny thing about this new moon is that it is also in a square aspect to its ruler Uranus in Taurus. What I like about this moon is the same thing that scares me a little bit: it is going to be a surprise. Sometimes surprises are fun! The thing about predicting an Aquarius moon, especially one with Uranus aspects to it, is that it can't really be done so I'm going to keep this part short. Look to your houses to get an idea. What I can say is that whatever comes along with this moon, it is here to align you to your higher pathway. No matter what it looks like at first, the key is to detach from expectations, and embrace the journey onward and upward.
Tips for the Aquarius New Moon:
*Detach and let go!
*Embrace your weird
*Get outside and look at the stars
*Breathe fresh air
*Study something unusual, like astrology!
*Visit a metaphysical shop, like Aquarius on Broadway
*Watch a UFO documentary or alien movie
*Buy a crystal and meditate with it outside
*Swing on a swingset
*Try astral travel
*Be with friends
*Join a group of like-minded people
I hope you have found this information helpful and I wish you all a most unexpectedly magical New Moon in Aquarius!🌙♒🌙
👇 If you would like a personal chart consultation for this moon cycle I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I also accept donations if you would like to further support my astrological work. Thank you 👇