Welcome Aquarius Season♒Aquarius New Moon

We enter Aquarius season this week and can I just say 'thank the heavens above!?!' No offense to the Capricorns out there, but this Cap season, well, with the eclipses and Saturn/Pluto conjunction....I'd very much like to be done. I keep seeing memes that say something like "my 2020 starts next month" and I have to say yes to that.

We must trust that the heavens are perfectly designed and understand that Aquarius follows Capricorn for a reason. In Capricorn, we focus heavily on our material world, our goals, our, legacy, our tangible successes and failures. We can get locked up in materialism in Capricorn and lose track of who we are outside of our ‘stuff.’ The thing about this Capricorn season is that there has been SO MUCH and too much of anything will always take a toll.

However, enter Aquarius season and we start to let go a little...or a lot. We see the bigger picture of not only our individual lives but the collective as a whole, and in some unexplainable way, this energy begins to set us free. Aquarian energy is still quite powerful and intense, but with Aquarius we move to the element of Air, and the overall feeling certainly becomes more light and free, more fun and unconventional. In the air signs we remember fun, humor, sociability, and spontaneity are all key pieces of our whole. Aquarius is the, rebel, the weirdo, the alien, and the true free spirit of the zodiac. Aquarius is the higher mind and the eagle's eye view. Aquarius soars above on a different plane because they are free of the worry of what others think! Aquarius teaches us the importance of detachment with regard to the emotions, judgements, and expectations that tie us to this 3rd dimension. With Aquarius, we remember that when we truly detach, maybe even have a little fun, our goals actually, somehow magically, manifest that much faster.

Aquarius is an air sign which means they are very social, funny, and likable. They love to talk. They love to think and philosophize. I would say Aquarians make great teachers or artists or something, but the truth is, they make great everything. Aquarians are versatile and whatever their path, they will blaze it.

Aquarians have many friends, but the funny thing I've noticed about my Aquarius friends is they are popular, yet loners, too. Much like the Star in the Tarot, (the card that represents Aquarius,) they are extremely alluring and magnetic in their own cosmic way, drawing us closer, yet they can still feel so very far away. They tend to run their ever-changing social circle, fitting in everywhere, and yet simultaneously, fitting in nowhere at all. Aquarius always stands out, though sometimes it is hard for the rest of us to put a finger on why. I find unless they have some really hard aspects to the Aquarian energy in their natal chart, they usually don't mind this either, in fact, they prefer it. They prefer to keep people guessing and it's a truly rare few who make it to the inner sanctum of an Aquarius' heart, where, if you're lucky, you'll find the biggest, sweetest heart in all the zodiac. (This a nod to my beautiful big-hearted Aquarian friend, Rachel ❤ yoga teacher and shamanic breathwork facilitator, on Instagram @fox-spiritindustries, go follow her work)

I'm getting pretty good at identifying people by their sun and/or rising sign and I find that when I'm stumped, the person's got to be heavily Aquarian, although, I do think there’ something in the eyes… No Aquarius is like another, there is no common denominator and that is because Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. People are surprised by David Bowie's Capricorn sun because he is like, the epitome of how I would describe Aquarius to be; so unusual and alien, literally 'the man who fell to the earth.' But if you study his chart, he has Aquarius rising and several planets in opposition to his ascendant, including the moon, Saturn, and Pluto. But even more notably to me, he has his Sun/Mars conjunction making an inconjunct aspect to his chart ruler Uranus, (I find the inconjunct to be a very prominent and powerful aspect) making him a very alluring and very Aquarian/Uranian person.

Uranus is unique, the so-called 'great disruptor' of the zodiac, but also the 'great awakener.' Uranus and Aquarius come into our lives to get us out of where we are stuck and shift us into the higher mind and what we are meant to be. When Aquarians cross your path, trust that you are being realigned and upgraded in some way, even if the experience itself is difficult.

If you have a prominent Uranus in your birth chart or any major planets or points in Aquarius in your birth chart, it is part of your life path to break free somewhere, to stand out and embrace your uniqueness, maybe even rebel. If you resist your individuality and force yourself conform in this area of life, situations and people will continue to come into your life to shake you up. With prominent Aquarius, you are meant to be unlike any other that has come before. Uranus and Aquarius energy, when resisted, can be quite difficult, my friends, it's true. It's like a tornado and it can do a lot of damage if resisted. My advice is to let go of where you feel afraid. Ask yourself, 'what am I clinging to and why?' Let it go, knowing that what is meant to be will be.

I have several personal experiences with Uranus...but here is one. I have a trine to Uranus in my 6th house, from my 10th house Pisces Sun. The 6th is the house of work, daily habits, routines, rituals, and health matters. Throughout my life I have confused countless doctors with my strange and unusual (Uranus) ailments. I have also had many odd (Uranus) jobs, but I seem to get terrible anxiety (Uranus is also anxiety) over even the most mundane work. However, I've learned that when I let go of my fear of failure and I am working for myself (Pisces sun,) creating my own schedule and focusing on my art as work and spiritual life as legacy (Pisces 10th,) my health is good, in fact, my health is unusually great and I never even get a cold! In short, if I'm not aligned spiritually and creatively, Uranus will make me sick. This energy is prominent not only due to the trine in my chart, but also with Aquarius on my MC. I have to work with Uranus, he is part of my journey. He teaches me I have to work hard and keep my life organized so I can continue to do my own weird (Aquarian) work thing or... I'll get sick and without going into details, i’m talking like life and death kinda sick. I use this as a personal example to show the power of the Uranian/Aquarian shake ups. Every chart is unique, but if there are things in your life that make you go hmmm? I highly suggest studying up on the Aquarian/Uranian energy in your chart. Remember, this energy wants to align you to your highest potential.

Aquarius New Moon

This week we'll see our much anticipated new moon in Aquarius at 4°. Why is it much anticipated? Well, it's the first new moon outside of eclipse season and this is usually a good time. The funny thing about this new moon is that it is also in a square aspect to its ruler Uranus in Taurus. What I like about this moon is the same thing that scares me a little bit: it is going to be a surprise. Sometimes surprises are fun! The thing about predicting an Aquarius moon, especially one with Uranus aspects to it, is that it can't really be done so I'm going to keep this part short. Look to your houses to get an idea. What I can say is that whatever comes along with this moon, it is here to align you to your higher pathway. No matter what it looks like at first, the key is to detach from expectations, and embrace the journey onward and upward.

Tips for the Aquarius New Moon:

*Detach and let go!

*Embrace your weird

*Get outside and look at the stars

*Breathe fresh air

*Study something unusual, like astrology!

*Visit a metaphysical shop, like Aquarius on Broadway

*Watch a UFO documentary or alien movie

*Buy a crystal and meditate with it outside

*Swing on a swingset

*Try astral travel

*Be with friends

*Join a group of like-minded people



I hope you have found this information helpful and I wish you all a most unexpectedly magical New Moon in Aquarius!🌙♒🌙



👇 If you would like a personal chart consultation for this moon cycle I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I also accept donations if you would like to further support my astrological work. Thank you 👇



Cancer Lunar Eclipse ♋🦀♋/Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn

Oh my God can it be February now? Ok, I know January just started, but man, this energy isnt messing around. These Cancer moons don't mess around! This moon happens to be in opposition to two of the most malefic planets in astrology forming a very rare conjunction. For those unfamiliar with astrology language, a conjunction is a meeting in the sky symbolizing a joining of energies. In the case of Saturn and Pluto, it it the energy of restriction and destruction. This can show up for you as fear, negative thoughts, anxiety, restlessness, demons, old wounds, addictions, dark nights, helplessness, and perhaps worst of all, hopelessness. I want you to know January is hands down the roughest ride of 2020 energetically, so buckle your seatbelts and grab your Kleenex. Most importantly, don't believe in the darkness that spews forth from you or anyone else. At the end of the day, we must remember we are resilient beings of light and this energy, though intense, is transient like all other energies. If you're feeling the negativity, the inner or outer battles, stay strong and take comfort in your alignment with the cosmos, if nothing else, knowing it will pass.

These eclipses have been running through my 2nd and 8th houses, very much affecting me personally on the level of worth, my self worth and my worth with the other people and the world. I've been struggling very much this week not feeling like I'm just never going to be enough, and let me tell you, the self talk is not the kindest. I find myself comparing my life to the lives of people who are nothing like me, who are half my age or who don't have a family, or who have made completely different career choices and yet I wonder why I'm not this or that, why I can't do this or afford that. It has been very much brought to the fore for me how much hurt I still hold onto in certain areas of life and how much healing there is left to go. It's not what I want to feel right now, but I have to trust the Universe's timing in times like these.

The good news is that this Cancer eclipse is closing a karmic chapter of your life and if the energy feels more intense than usual, know you are correct. This cycle has actually spanned 19 years when we had similar eclipses, only then Saturn and Pluto were in opposition. What was going on for you then? Think about it on a personal level, but also a worldwide level. 9/11 ring any bells? How did that energy affect you physically? How did it affect your life choices? There is similar energy now and it is by no coincidence there is talk of WW111 at this time. Collectively, we felt the fear then, just as we do now, and sensed something coming, perhaps as we do now too. I know i remember these same knots in my stomach. Cancer/Capricorn on a personal level have to do with family and career. However, on a mundane level, these energies have to do with patriotism and government. I hope you can see what I am getting at. Saturn and Pluto together produce massive global fear, my friends. I want you to understand that with regard to a certain area of your life, you are being offered another chance here again in 2020. The question is do we choose from fear or love? I hope we can all be brave now and make choices from love, but if not, trust in the lessons the Universe provides to steer your way. Everything that is meant to be will be, I know this.

This energy of this eclipse cycle was reawakened in July 13th of 2018 when the nodes shifted into Cancer and Capricorn and we saw our solar eclipse in Cancer at 20°. What was going on for you in the summer of 2018? Did something begin? This time it is a lunar eclipse in Cancer at 20° on Saturday, January 11th 2020. Lunar eclipses close doors, and so rest assured, whatever area of life this is for you, the door is closing for good. Because of the involvement of Saturn and Pluto, and the closing of their cycle so close to this moon, this is very much a karmic ending. In a goodway! Though it may feel rough leading up to it. Trust the healing taking place and know this door is closed and locked and you are finished for good.

Finally, on the 13th, Uranus goes direct in Taurus at 2°. Uranus brings the unexpected into the mix. He is neither good nor bad, but rather, he is an awakener, so again, I encourage you to brace yourself and trust Divine Timing. This is happening now because you are ready.

Finally i’d like to add that if you are in a good place, if you are strong now and unable to relate to what i’ve written here, I ask you to let go of judgment and be strong for the sensitive people and empaths in your life. They are not crazy, they are not weak. They are dealing with things felt but unseen and more than anything they need you to hold space for their growth and give strong hugs when they dont ask.

I hope you have found this information helpful and I wish you strength through these times, hugs through the emotions, and finally a most blessed transformative Cancer Eclipse! I'll see ya on the flipside.




Welcome Capricorn Season♑Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse

Oh man, I absolutely love Capricorn season. In my natal chart I have zero earth energy, like zippo, and well, it shows. So when the earth signs roll around it is so blaringly obvious to my energy body because 75% of the year I'm floating  around like a plastic bag in the wind. Enter Capricorn season, though, and suddenly I have game. Suddenly, I'm a boss. Suddenly, I have energy to not only dream up new goals, but plan, work, produce, and promote myself in order to attain them. There is a reason we set our new years resolutions or goals in Capricorn season and that is because this is the energy! We feel it and burns in us that something is ending and something new must begin. We want more for ourselves and the ones we love.
Capricorn is another highly misunderstood energy in the zodiac. Capricorn has the reputation of being overly ambitious and perhaps a little cold and focused on the self. Maybe they can come across this way, but I know this to be untrue because, in fact, in shamanic astrology Capricorn is an energy of service. Capricorn is perhaps not the best at expressing their heart or motivations for things and you know what? That is ok because expressing themselves isn't necessarily the life path of Capricorn! So what is their life path? If one were to get to the heart of Cap and understand what drives them, we would understand that ultimately, they are working for spiritual evolution and in service of the ones they love. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the father energy of the zodiac, and traditionally, what do fathers do? They meet our material needs by providing money, teaching us work ethic, structure, rules, and discipline. This is how they show their love and devotion to the family. Just as Capricorn's opposite sign of Cancer, the mother energy of the zodiac, shows her devotion by caring for the home, children, and nurturing the belly and emotional life of the family. Neither of these roles is better or more important, and I personally believe this is one of the places our society has gone wrong. We are devaluing the natural roles we play, over-emphasizing the importance of the masculine and stripping away the power that lies within the divine feminine and/or the mother. But that's a blog for another time....

Capricorn naturally rules our 10th house, which is the part of our chart that has to do with status, achievements, and legacy. How do you wish to be remembered? We mustn't forget that Capricorn plays off the 4th house and creates its goals because of the family, because of its roots, and with its loved ones in mind. It's for the ones we love that we wish to succeed, to provide, and/or to become "somebody" and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this if, like everything else in our human lives, we keep our priorities straight and stay balanced. Anybody with prominent Capricorn or 10th house energy has come into this life with a strong will to achieve their goals, to prove something, and i believe, to "upgrade" or shift the trajectory of their family in some way.

Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse

We are in a super powerful portal of energy this week, trust me when I say anything can happen! We just had the winter solstice which is symbolizes our shift from darkness to light. We have entered winter, but we have seen our darkest day, and are officially on our way up again, very much like the goat of Capricorn, climbing the mountain to meet the sun. On Wednesday December 25, Christmas day no less, we will have a very special Capricorn New Moon at 4° Capricorn, which happens to be a solar eclipse! That's right, we have entered eclipse season again. But get this, this new moon is also conjunct Jupiter and trine to retrograde Uranus in Taurus. What does that mean? Powerful new beginnings infused with luck, expansion, and surprises! Where does 4°of Capricorn land in your chart?  Is your birthday in the next few days? Do you have planets at or around 4° Capricorn? This is a very auspicious area of life for you in the coming 2 weeks and year ahead. Next year is a major year for everyone, but the time is now to plant seeds for your year to come and NOT wait for the new year! If you visualize and goal set now you will watch your vision come to pass in 2020. In 2 weeks we have some majorly powerful astrology of culmination, as well, but I will talk about in a separate post. For now, i highly recommend you think big, but think realistically, think about the good of your family and the ones you love, and make sure you can SEE it in your mind's eye. Write it down and then get to work, even if it is just a symbolic start with pen to paper. Do it now and it will be blessed by the cosmos.

Tips for the Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse:

*Goal set

*Visualize! Visualize! Visualize!

*Believe in yourself (I know that sounds like a cat poster)

*Get to work

I hope you have found this information helpful and I wish you all a most magical New Moon in Capricorn and a very blessed and crystal clear path in 2020! 🌙♑🌙



👇 If you would like a personal chart consultation for this moon cycle I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I also accept donations if you would like to further support my astrological work. Thank you 👇


Gemini Full Moon🧚‍♀️♊🧚‍♂️

There's a whole lot going on in the sky this week, but in this post today i’m going to focus on the full moon in Gemini that will take place Wednesday the 11th at 19°. I feel like I have some personal insight into this full moon and its confusing conversations, as its triggering exactly my natal t-square between my Gemini ascendant, my Pisces sun, and my natal Neptune in Sag. This full moon takes place at 19° Gemini and forms a t-square to Neptune in Pisces at 16°, and course, the sun at 19° Sagittarius. This energy is going feel a bit confusing, elusive, wonky, and uncertain, my friends, kinda like if Mercury went retro again. I live with this energy every day and my advice for you is to hold out for the magic around the corner. I have learned that when my natal Gemini/Pisces/Sag t-square is triggered, the Universe is testing my faith. How much do I believe in myself? How much do I believe in things working out for me? That's the energy of this full moon. What I know now is that a hundred times out of a hundred, i look back on those times when I felt extreme confusion and uncertainty and see that it was because the Universe was cooking it up for me behind the scenes, something even more wonderful than I could possibly imagine. This moon is asking us not to jump to conclusions right now and definitely not to jump into the deep ocean of emotions that may come up with Neptune. The trick for surviving this this moon is laughter, my friends, faith and laughter, and I'll explain this later in this post. Just remember, things are not as they seem. Next week things will make sense when Jupiter opposes Uranus, just try to stay grounded between now and then.

Gemini is a very highly misunderstood energy in the zodiac. It is often summed up as fun, social, the jack-of-all-trades type, but maybe a bit light or flaky. I have to say that unless you carry this energy, with the exception of prominent Aquarius, Sagittarius, and maybe Pisces, too, I'm sorry to say it's just a little beyond! Gemini is very high vibrational and operating on its own plane just above the earth, constantly testing this reality. Gemini is very perceptive, very intelligent, and very quick. They are empaths like Pisces, but with information rather than emotions. Gemini is always, always studying and observing what works and what doesn't and storing that information for future use. They can pick things up very quickly, hence the jack-of-all-trades, but because of speed factor, they also decide very quickly whether or not to master something. Everyone else must remember, though, this is a choice they make and not because they are incapable of mastering things.

Geminis are super chameleons, but more accurately they are mirrors, studying you so closely that upon meeting, it will feel like you've always known each other. This is why they jive with everyone and are seen as social because in order to honor their life path, they must be taking in information and learning through this great mirror. Love what you see? Great! But if you dont, well, this is the Gemini's hard task, my friends. They are here to reflect and they trigger you for a reason. Does this mean they have no individuality? Absolutely not! Geminis have charisma, charm, creativity, and most importantly HUMOR. They are extremely strong networkers, teachers, communicators, and artists, as well. I like to use Prince as the ultimate embodiment of the Gemini archetype. This guy found his path, he CHOSE to do it all, and he did it better than anyone as the world will remember forever.

Now, what is this about humor? People with prominent Gemini energy, such as sun, moon, mercury, rising, and/or midheaven, are learning lessons in this life at hyper speed. This means the Gemini's life can look like one bomb exploding after another, but just like everyone else, it is not an easy path. Gemini has its struggles for sure, and as they explore and test reality, they need to watch out for their mental health, especially. Geminis, like Pisces, would do well to avoid drugs and alcohol, as well, and find what anchors them in order to stay grounded. What you must remember is that Gemini is operating from the mental body and so in this life they must learn the emotional body, the spiritual body, and physical body through others and their experiences. They learn to hurt and be hurt through others, and boy, they can run you and themselves through the gamut. But because Gemini learns so quickly, because they are mirrors, they also learn they like it much better when others feel better so that they can feel better too! Remember, they're empaths in their unique way. So they discover the medicine to life much sooner than the rest of us and that medicine is humor. Yes, Gemini, the so-called 'trickster' is here to explore life as a cosmic joke. Why take it so seriously? If Gemini teaches you nothing else, it is to look at the nonsense we get so worked up about in our day to day and see that in the end, it isn't going to matter! We're all going to end up at the same party laughing about it in the afterlife. So why not laugh about it now? Why not have fun while we are here too? Gemini's are the eternal children of the zodiac and also the magical fairies. Spend time with your Gemini friends and you will touch the ethereal, you will feel the buzz of floating just above ground. Yes, they experience pain like you and me, but they move to humor quicker because this really is the way to true healing and actually enjoying life. This is WHY Geminis are funny and light and social and lovable. The rest of us would do well to take a page out of the Gemini book of life and laugh more, at the very least, honor their very important role on the cosmic stage of life.

Tips for the Gemini Full Moon:

LAUGH. Even if you have to fake it til you make it.

Get grounded. Gemini/Pisces energy needs lots of grounding.

Spend time with your children or youthful spirits, such as your Gemini friends

Hang out with friends, in general

Follow a whim or curiosity

Go dancing

Go to a networking event

Have a party

Read fairy tales

Play games

Go exploring in nature

Allow yourself to play and let go of worry

Avoid drugs and alcohol!

I hope you have found this information helpful and I wish you a spritely full moon in Gemini 🧚‍♀️♊🧚‍♂️



👇 If you would like a personal chart consultation for this full moon I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I also accept donations if you would like to further support my astrological work. Thank you 👇



Welcome Sagittarius Season ♐ Sagittarius New Moon

Sagittarians are the seekers, philosophers, travelers, and poets of the zodiac, but ultimately, they are the teachers. They have wisdom, even from a young age, and in this life, anyone with prominent Sagittarius or 9th house energy must find confidence enough to be sharing it in some fashion or form with others. Sagittarians must travel, even if just short distances and road trips. They must feel life has a sense of adventure. They must experience different people and cultures. They must also be able to ruminate on their experiences which means they must have the alone time it requires in order to do so and truly experience their lives for themselves. Sagittarius is mutable fire and I find that they are among only a few signs that basically everyone can jive with. They have the sense of humor, adventure, and intelligence that the air and fellow fire signs resonate with, and the depth of experience and emotion that the water and earth signs resonate with.

Sag teaches us that in this life, none of us are meant to shrink or stay the same. We are not here to merely exist, but to learn, more importantly, to expand our point of view. Sagittarius is represented by a centaur, half man, half beast, raising his bow and arrow to the cosmos. He aims up, always up, symbolizing growth, learning, expansion. As humans, we are here to experience these aspects of ourselves, but to always be aiming upward in our experience.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, but also optimism. Some may say 'luck,' but I believe that our thoughts create things, and when the thoughts are optimistic, then the experiences are too…. and maybe it just comes across lucky to those who view things in a more harsh light. Of everything Sag offers us, it is wise of the rest of us to understand that it is their optimism we should most definitely take away.

I have found that Sagittarians are very complex people having an array of life experiences, but naturally gifted with that little secret to peacefully co-existing with the cosmos I mention above, and that is hope and optimism. Many of the Sagittarians in my life have experienced tremendous pain and trauma. The outside world might never know it unless they were to truly dig deep with these humans simply because despite it, they still wear the happiest of faces. What is even more beautiful to me is the happy face is not a mask. It is who they are because deep inside them is unshakable faith in their experiences raising them higher. It is from this bird's eye view that they are able to find the meaning.

Sagittarius New Moon

We will have our Sagittarius new moon on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 4° of Sagittarius. Anytime a Sag new moon rolls around it's an opportunity for expansion. However, this moon is particularly special as it makes no hard aspects and will be our last moon in Sag while its ruler Jupiter sits in the same sign. Look to your chart and see what part of your life this impacts. Is it your relationships? Your career? Whatever it is, it is Jupiter's final blessing before he moves into Capricorn next week. So set your intentions and dont be afraid to go big.

Tips for a Sagittarius New Moon:

Plan a trip

Travel abroad

Spontaneous road trip

Take a class

Go hiking/camping

Ride a motorcycle

Tell someone your stories

Watch adventure movies or travel channel

Read adventure novels

Read/write poetry


Spend time gazing at the stars (one can even view Jupiter in the night sky this week!)

Eat foreign foods

Attend a religious service not of your own religion

I hope you have found this information helpful and I wish you all an expansive New Moon in Sagittarius! 🌙♐🌙



👇 If you would like a personal chart consultation for this moon cycle I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I also accept donations if you would like to further support my astrological work. Thank you 👇



♉Taurus Full Moon♉

I'm struggling a little bit to write this blog today and may be one of the few to not be feeling the very good vibes of this full moon. To be quite honest, I'm just really tired. I've been very busy the last few weeks and not had a whole lot of time to myself or time to study the sky. I was unable to write last week because I was sick, but honestly, I didn't stress much about it because there really wasn't much going on in the cosmos. Now i have this powerful full moon taking place in my Taurus 12th house, my house of hidden emotions, rest and seclusion, dreams and creativity....and boy, today I need to do those things... I have the opportunity to do those things and yet, I feel pressure (put on by myself only) to write this blog and to stay regular with this thing. That's very Taurus, though, if I think about it, the whipcrack of my own conscience to keep going with things and to build something of substance. This week, there is a bunch going on, but I am just not fully with it so you are forewarned that this will likely not be my most magical writing.

Taurus Full Moon

This lovely full moon happens to be exalted, which means it's exceptionally happy in this sign, and takes place on Tuesday, November 12th at 19° Taurus. In the zodiac, Taurus is our standard raiser and teaches us that we deserve good things. It is not a snob, though it can be mistaken for one, but that's because it wants us to hold ourselves high and not sink beneath our worth. Taurus energy teaches us to understand abundance, our value in this life, and to want more for ourselves. It does so by simply being kind to us, by giving, and asking nothing in return. Taurus is loyal, gentle, good, steady, and unconditionally loving. This is because Taurus is our body, our human-ness, and is therefore forgiving of imperfections. Anytime there is prominent Taurus energy, I see it as the cosmic hug, the unexpected gift from nowhere, and an opportunity to level up in some way, to raise our standard, and be better than we have given ourselves credit before. I adore Taurus energy for the fact that it reminds me of my own high standards and keeps me accountable. It reminds me to keep steady at the things I care about and want to be better at, even just a little bit of effort per day makes a tangible difference. Wherever Taurus is in your chart is an area of steady growth and opportunity for you, but also forgiveness and understanding in this life.

Look back to the Taurus new moon in May, what did you begin? Taurus is a rich and fertile energy, feminine and of the earth. What seeds are planted under a Taurus moon, if tended, must grow and flourish. If you've been working away at something, this moon offers great reward for you and/or culmination of your efforts.

The last thing I will say about this moon is that it is most certainly a gateway, as it follows the 11/11 portal and is in trine to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. These are big help energies and if help is what you need, it will be yours. Ask and you shall receive, that's this Taurus moon. The trick is receiving, but that's a subject for another blog.

Tips for a Taurus Full Moon:

Meditate on your worth

Ruminate on something beautiful

Practice receiving

Count your blessings

Give generously

Make time for leisure

Spend time in nature

Enjoy a decadent meal

Get in touch with your body and senses

-Taste your food

-feel your clothes

-smell a rose

Treat yourself

Make love

I wish you all an abundant full moon in Taurus! 🌚♉🌚



👇 If you would like a personal chart consultation for this full moon I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I also accept donations if you would like to further support my astrological work. Thank you 👇



Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio ♏

As I mentioned in a previous blog, I think Mercury retrograde is overhyped these days as astrology gains in popularity. Is Mercury retrograde important? Yes, but it is not to be dreaded, by any means. In astrology, each planet represents an aspect of our being. When a planet retrogrades, it is a call from the cosmos to slow down, stop, and review this aspect of our being, and then redo, as necessary. In astrology, Mercury rules our mind and how we communicate. In the sky, Mercury is the quickest moving planet and so you can see why this planet correlates to the aspect of our ever-racing human mind.

Sometimes we just need to slow down our minds before we believe that thought, send that email, text that text, post that status, buy that phone, etc. If something goes awry in your communications during a mercury retrograde, I say just trust it. Look at it as though the Universe is stopping you to ask, 'are you sure about this?' If so, go ahead! If not, take the time to review.

The other thing about Mercury retrogrades is that they take place in only a very small part of your chart. In this case, it is in Scorpio, between 11 and 27 degrees. You can look to this area of your chart and know that there may be things pertaining to this area of life that are due for review. Depending on YOUR natal planets and aspects, situations MAY come up that stop you, annoy you, or frustrate you, but it is simply because you are being asked to slow down here. I see a lot of astrologers talk with a bit of doom and gloom about planetary retrogrades, especially Mercury retrograde for some reason, and it bothers me to see unnecessary fear being stirred up by supposedly spiritual people.

Lastly, Mercury retrogrades affect some more than others. Because Mercury rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo, people with prominent energies in these signs, like a Gemini/Virgo sun, moon, and/or rising, are going to experience the retrograde more strongly. The reason for this is because these two signs came into this life with lessons to learn about the human mind, just as a Scorpio comes to learn lessons about death and power or a Taurus comes to learn about values and tangibility. Gemini and Virgo, alike, are known for their quick and intelligent minds, but what you must understand is that their minds never get a rest! These signs are prone to anxiety, stress, even mental illness because their thinking can quickly turn to overthinking or more serious things. In a way, these signs are like computers who thrive on taking in information, busyness, multitasking, and learning on multiple levels at once. One of their many lessons is to understand that they are human and though their mind exceeds many limits in comparison to others, it still has limits and requires rest. This is an issue for our Virgo/Gemini friends to remember and a reason to find gratitude that the Universe forces it upon them during a Mercury retrograde.

There are many facets to astrology to understand before making big predictions. Can bigger, more serious things happen during a Mercury retrograde? Yes, absolutely, but there are usually many things happening in a chart at once in order to see a major event, in which case, you would want an astrologer to examine your chart or at least begin studying your own astrology. Otherwise, we're talking minor nuisances or nothing at all.

So yes, this Mercury retrograde starts on Halloween and that sounds cool and spooky to say, but unless a number of other triggering factors are happening in your personal natal chart, I predict life to carry on pretty much as normal. I hope you have found this information helpful and I hope you have a super Halloween and a very thought-provoking Mercury retrograde!



👇 If you would like a personal chart consultation for this retrograde cycle I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I also accept donations if you would like to further support my astrological work. Thank you 👇



Welcome Scorpio Season♏Scorpio New Moon

The week starts with a dreamy, soft aspect from Venus in Scorpio in trine to Neptune in Pisces on Monday. This combination of planets and signs turn our energies to things like dreams, imagination, love, and leisure. It's an easy, floaty energy, definitely to be soaked up while it lasts, which is not long.

Sun Enter Scorpio

On Wednesday, October 23rd, the veil begins to thin and the Sun moves from light and social Libra into deep and introspective Scorpio. Whenever the Sun shifts signs, our internal essence moves with it and with Scorpio, it means our energies turn inward, shining light on the more shadowy aspects of ourselves. Scorpio gets a bad rap sometimes as being among the more difficult energies for many of us to navigate. As a fellow water sign, I can relate. However, the Scorpio archetype is so essential for us as spiritual beings as it reveals the true potentials for bliss and love as earthly beings. Scorpio is the part of us that asks not only 'why am I here?' but 'what am I underneath the persona?' Scorpio understands we are multifaceted beings, here to dive deep, learn from our experiences and truly transform on the deeper, spiritual level. Scorpio understands that in order to do that, we must traverse the underworld of our psyche to face death and decay, to face our demons, to face our traumas and strange, secret soul urges in order to reveal what we are underneath the underneath. Your Scorpio friends opted into a strange life this time around, and from the many amazing Scorpios I know, they are among the greatest healers and psychics out there, I can guarantee that. But that's because the lives they lead are not particularly easy lives. Scorpios are a rare and beautiful mix of extremely sensitive and insanely tough. They come equipped to do the hard soul work, dig deep and heal themselves in order to show others how to, as well.

Scorpio is the most perceptive of the signs. They see, hear, feel, and sixth sense EVERYTHING. This is why intimacy is a running theme through Scorpio season. It is a deeply psychic energy and the reason you may have trouble in Scorpio season is because Scorpio loathes only one thing, and it is lies. If you are fake or false in any manner of being, Scorpio knows (sometimes even if you don't!) Scorpio can't help but be intimate with us because they have the ability to peer right into our souls. Scorpio is only ever hurt because they are willing to reveal their depths to anyone, but if one reciprocates the Scorpio's vulnerability with lies or fakeness, the Scorpio instantly knows and that person will feel the Scorpion's sting.

Scorpio season also brings up themes of power and self-esteem, death and transformation to the fore. The Scorpio/8th house area of your chart reveals an area you must transform in this life, but also deep reserves of power from which to pull from, as well. Anyone with prominent Scorpio/8th house placements knows these are recurrent themes. Scorpios must transform their insecurities to understand their immense power in this life. It is during Scorpio season that we can all explore these themes and discover new reserves of power within ourselves in order to ascend higher.

Scorpio New Moon

On Saturday, October 27th we will see our Scorpio new moon at 4° of Scorpio. This moon brings transformative surprises as it is in direct opposition to Uranus in Taurus. At the time of the new moon, Mars in Libra will square Saturn in Capricorn, as well. This is an energy of frustration and being held back and because Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio, it is important to note. Mars squaring Saturn is always a practice in patience and accepting divine timing. Something may arise around this new moon that stumps you and stalls your perceived progress. Your instinct may be to react in anger, but with the alignment to Uranus, my advice is to calm yourself and trust it. This new moon is otherwise very positive and if you are setting intentions by it, you can expect good outcomes, especially in the months to come, I just think outcomes may not be exactly what you are expecting. This moon is an opportunity for real change to happen if we accept it and allow the necessary deaths to occur. What do you need to let die in order to be reborn? A relationship? A project? A job? Look to the Scorpio/Taurus axis in your chart, more specifically, to 4° of these signs.

Tips for a Scorpio New Moon:

Journal your feelings

Explore deep thoughts

Schedule a therapy session

Have a psychic reading

Have deep conversations with your partner/closest friends

Reveal something secret to someone you trust and want to know better


Visit a cemetery and/or dead loved ones

Ponder the leaves changing

Listen to true crime podcasts

Watch a scary movie

Set the intention to reveal more of your soul

If you would like a personal chart consultation for this moon cycle I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I hope you have found this information helpful and I hope you enjoy this transformative new moon cycle in Scorpio 🌙♏🌙



👇 to donate, please follow the link below and it will take you to my Venmo! I accept donations for any personal chart consultations (recommended $3-$5 per question) or if you would like to further support my astrological work 👇



Mercury Trine Neptune ✨ Mercury Enter Shadow

With the exception of another intense Monday, coming off our Aries Full Moon and the Sun in Libra in square to Pluto in Capricorn, this is otherwise a relatively quiet week in the cosmos. These intense energies subside by Tuesday when it gets a little more light and imaginative in the heavens.

I wanted to take this quiet week to talk a little bit about Mercury and the pending Mercury retrograde in Scorpio.

Firstly, I wanted to state that i think Mercury retrogrades are super overhyped right now. Yes, stuff happens and we notice it because Mercury is symbolic of our way of communicating. However, there is nothing to fear, nothing to spaz about. A planet turning retrograde symbolizes an inward period for this particular aspect of our lives. With Mercury, it's our mind. During a Mercury retro we simply need to slow down and take space from our thoughts in a particular area of life. If we aren't proactive about this, events will arise that force us to do so. It's very important to note what area of life (house) is being affected by the retrograde and if any natal planets are being aspected. It's really not all of your life falling apart as some astrologers might have you fear.

Next, i’ll confidently add that I believe Mercury retrogrades are a relatively minor inconvenience for most people. The people who are generally more affected are those with prominent Mercurial energy, such as Gemini or Virgo sun, moon, and/or rising. If that's not you, than you can relax. If it is you, you can also relax. The reason for this is that Mercury retrogrades are a call to relax! The reason it affects Virgo and Gemini energies a bit more is because these signs are ruled by Mercury. Mercury is very fast energy and these two signs have a tendency to go into overdrive and occasionally drive themselves into a tizzy with overthinking and multitasking. Because this is happening in Scorpio, Scorpios will feel this a bit more, as well. Mercury retro literally just wants you to slow down, take a breath, check and recheck your thoughts, your words, your work, etc., and carry on in a more grounded state.

That said, Mercury wont turn retrograde until October 31st in the sign of Scorpio. However, this week, Mercury is in what is called a shadow phase. The shadow phase represents the degrees Mercury will revisit once he does turn retrograde on the 31st and then visit again for a third time when he goes prograde on November 20. These degrees are 11° to 27° of Scorpio. During his shadow, retrograde, and prograde phases, Mercury will trine Neptune three times. The first time will be this week on Tuesday, October 15th at 16° of Scorpio and Pisces, respectively.

Mercury trining Neptune is not a particularly rare or even significant transit for many people. It's a great transit for artists as it represents imaginative thinking. It's great for healers, as well, as it pertains to things such as meditation, spiritual work, or dreaming. It's a very pleasant transit, but typically very brief, indeed. However, because of the retrograde, Mercury will connect with Neptune three times in the next few weeks and this why I do find it noteworthy. Therefore, what is important about this week is that whatever we get through this connection initially could be more than meets the eye and perhaps shouldn't be shrugged off so quickly. With Mercury, we are talking ideas, and with a positive Neptune in the mix, we are talking divinely guided ideas. Even more, when Mercury and Neptune meet each time sending you these insights, additionally, they will be making positive aspects to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn which could therefore be good energy for transformation and concretization. My advice is to pay attention to what comes to you in dreams, meditation, or creative flow states this week. If something feels special, I would not hesitate to initiate action even with the pending retrograde, but i would plan to move slowly and revisit as necessary.

I'll write more about the Mercury retrograde as we get closer to it. In the meantime I hope you have found this information helpful and I wish you a very divinely guided week!



👇 to see how this Mercury retrograde will affect you personally or to donate, please follow the link below and it will take you to my Venmo! I accept donations for any personal chart consultations (recommended $3-$5 per question) or if you would like to further support my astrological work 👇



Aries Full Moon ♈ Venus Enter Scorpio

This is a busy week in the cosmos, one that might have us craving freedom pretty big time all week and then culminating at the fiery Aries full moon on Sunday.

Sun Square Saturn

We begin the week with the sun in Libra squaring Saturn in Capricorn, while at the same time, a brief t-square between Mercury, Uranus, and the moon. On Monday, the Sun's square to Saturn can have us acutely aware of how much responsibility we are carrying. At the same, Mercury in Scorpio is oppose Uranus in Taurus. This could have us craving, perhaps even awakening, to some deeper desires for freedom. Early Monday morning, the moon in Aquarius gets involved creating a very brief t-square between these planets and bringing our emotions into the picture. These energies combined could have us feeling a bit irrational and insensitive, saying things we might later regret. My advice for Monday is, check yourself before you wreck yourself. This energy can feel like a lot today and you can hurt someone, or yourself, through words if you are not careful.

Venus Enter Scorpio

Then on Tuesday October 8th we'll see Venus moving into Scorpio. This is not Venus' favorite place in the zodiac as Scorpio energy is quite heavy and intense for Venus. Her transit here could have us feeling a bit possessive and/or obsessive, even manipulative with regard to our love life or finances. Scorpio represents our shadow stuff and Venus represents our values. Anytime she transits Scorpio we must look deeper at our self worth, our wants and our needs, and how we are going about getting what we want. We must also look at our relationships and ask if they measuring up. Now, what's interesting about this is Venus is currently going over the same territory where she went retrograde in 2018. Collectively, we learned deep lessons in self-love in 2018 and I think it left some scars. I feel like her pass through Scorpio this time around is going to be a bit of a review. What were you going through this time last year with regard to relationships, including your relationship with yourself? Just make note of it. She won't be cutting into you the same way this time around, but she will be reminding you of your wounds. On the up side, Venus in Scorpio can have us craving intimacy with another. With Mercury here too, this could be intimacy on not only a heart level, but a mental level, as well. How well do you connect, or wish to connect, with your partner mentally? Be mindful of it and try to utilize this energy to communicate and connect in positive ways.

Aries Full Moon

Finally, this week we will see our Aries full moon on Sunday October 14, at 20° of Aries. To add a little (or a lot) of fuel to its fire, this moon is also exactly square Pluto in Capricorn. This Aries full moon is going to bring culmination to our freedom theme this week. Aries wants independence of the spirit more than anything and it goes about getting it no matter the obstacles. Aries rules our animal instincts. It acts first, then later responds to the consequences. This can mean a bit of learning the hard way, but I don't see this as a bad thing at all. In fact, I see this as a rather good thing, despite living in a world where we are either told what to do all the time or taught to think things through to the point of anxiety. We have instincts for a reason and sometimes we have to not think and just act, just do, just go. This is how we feel out the world and learn to trust ourselves. All the books in the world can't teach you what you learn through experience. That's Aries. Aries is extremely resilient energy so an Aries landing on its face from a mistake doesn't leave the same mark it would leave for say, a Pisces. Aries just gets right back up and goes again. It is quick learning energy, inspired, self-respecting, and highly attuned to the intelligence of the physical body. I offer tips below for how to best utilize the Aries energy to your advantage.

The thing I love best (and that scares me most lol) about an Aries full moon is that it is unpredictable! It can feel like a ticking bomb, but then turn out to be the best time or best thing that's ever happened to you. Either way it's certainly always palpable, and if you allow yourself to tune into the body, you will feel the fire in the air this week.

I call my astrology blog Illumined and Ephemeral. I do so because astrological influences are literally lit up (illumined) one minute and gone the next (ephemeral.) However, there are certain energies in astrology that are especially intense and that move especially quick. Aries one of them, the moon is another. These two combined is a double whammy of quick high intensity. Keep this in mind at this full moon because I will say this, I have noticed a stronger feeling of impatience, even aggression and self-centeredness when the moon is in Aries. Normal daily things, such as driving in the car, feels considerably less safe. Our interactions with others feel particularly high energy as people seem to be hyped up, yet tunnel visioned and focused soley on their own agenda during an Aries moon. The shadow of Aries is selfishness so be cognizant of these things in yourself and others at this time. We can't change others, but we can at least be mindful of ourselves and our own actions. I made myself a cup of Yogi tea to sip as I write this today and the advice on the teabag was "act, don't react." I found this very apropos advice for harnessing the light side of Aries energy and this fiery full moon.

Practical Tips for an Aries Full Moon:

Enjoy the beautiful moon at night while you have a fire in your firepit

Candle/flame meditation. Fire is deeply cleansing and transformative when used in meditation

Exercise! Burn off your steam. Aries energy loves, and thrives most, when moving the body.

Do something you like to do by yourself.

Connect with your pet and/or the energy of your animal totem.

Take charge! Remember where you thrive as a leader and do that thing!

Get creative! Aries is extremely creative energy, but best to work on short projects that can be finished quickly.

Burn safe things, like candles or a list of old, stale beliefs you’d like to let go.

Go for a hike in a new place and don't use your phone. Allow yourself to get in touch with your instincts in nature.

Try new foods or restaurants.

Rearrange your living space.

Get up and watch the sun rise

Switch up your routine; be daring and spontaneous!

As always, i believe astrology is very personal. To understand how this moon might play out more tangibly for you, look to 20° of Aries and the Cardinal signs in your chart. If you would like a personal chart consultation for this moon I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time.

I hope you have found this helpful and I hope you enjoy this wild full moon in Aries.🌚♈🌚



👇 to donate, please follow the link below and it will take you to my Venmo! I accept donations for any personal chart consultations (recommended $3-$5 per question) or if you would like to further support my astrological work 👇



Artwork: “Aries” by Stephanie Weiss

Pluto Stations Direct!

On Thursday, October 3, 2019 we have Pluto stationing direct at 20° of Capricorn. This comes just after our Libra New Moon, just as Venus is making her exact square to Pluto, and just as Mars moves into the sign of Libra. In short, this could be an intense week in love my friends! But…. other stuff too.

Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio and the 8th house of our zodiac. The natural 8th house is all about death, power, rebirth, sex, intimacy, psychic powers, fears, other people's money, taxes, etc. It’s safe tp say it’s a complex house! These issues may come to the fore for some of us, especially as Mercury, our mental focus, moves into Scorpio this week right around the same time, too. I want to emphasize that the intensity of a Pluto transit really is unique to your individual chart, and in fact, unless hitting certain points or planets, Pluto transits are felt more in the background of our lives, transforming at deep levels and over the long term.

The way I work with Pluto in a more conscious and foreground way is on a yearly cycle with his retrogrades. Pluto rules things like rot and refuse, stagnation and toxicity. There is a purpose to things rotting and that is so we can let them go, otherwise we are just attracting flies and toxicity into our lives. Pluto reminds us everything has it's time….and then it’s gone. We must learn when the vitality is gone from certain situations and that they are no longer good for us. We are constantly changing beings, and in fact because of this, we require death all the time in order to become the latest and greatest, most aligned version of ourselves. Pluto stationing direct is a great time to ask yourself, 'what has passed its due date and needs to go to the curb?'

On a more grand scale, especially when experiencing a personal Plutonian time, it is good to remember this is a Universe of duality, of light and dark. Pluto in your chart represents the dark, hidden soul desires and subconscious urges. The Universe fulfills all of our intentions in this life, my friends. I know this 100%. But many of our urges and desires are subconscious. We are either unaware of them and/or in resistance to them. This is where Pluto comes in. Pluto is the destroyer and he will show up in your life destroying any and every thing that no longer serves you so that these deeper soul desires can be fulfilled. Unfortunately, because of our resistance and fears, how we come to experience these Pluto transits is through pain.

Say you set the intention in this life to understand true soul connection. You might not know true soul connection were it handed to you from the start so in order to fulfill that desire, in your life you might experience circumstances that are the opposite of that, things such as prolonged and unfathomable loneliness. This loneliness serves a purpose as it tears down the ego and exposes the vulnerability of the soul. It is light of the soul that will attract true connection. Pluto simply gets rid of the barriers.

Personally, I try to take great comfort in Pluto transits because I know that, though difficult, they are meant to be in the greater scheme of my life. I know that beyond the mini death I may be experiencing at this time, painful as it may be, there is a new life for which I'm being made ready. It is a life, that between physical lives, I trust my soul set the intention for me to have.

As Pluto stations direct, his energy can be intense and the shadowy, more difficult aspects of our lives may show up for some attention. My advice during these times is to not resist. Just allow and know God is with you, co-creating this life in mysterious and sometimes just plain old fucked up ways. Life is funny like that, i guess. It's hard but that is how we learn and grow into who we are meant to be.

God is funny like that, too, by the way, but funny isn't how it feels a lot of the time. Honestly, I don't hesitate to let him know when it's too much. These conversations are not always pretty, by the way, but they're real and that's the point. I find he hears me and appreciates my realness by easing my load even if just temporarily. Don't forget to communicate with the Universe and ask for what you need to get through hard things.

I hope you have found this helpful. 💚



👇If you are experiencing particularly difficult times, Pluto, Saturn, and/or occasionally Mars may be in direct contact with some of the planets and points in your birth chart. If you'd like a personal chart consultation, I'm happy to be of service for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I also accept donations from those who would like to further support my astrological work 👇



Welcome to Libra Season and The Libra New Moon ♎

Happy Libra Season and Happy Equinox! Do you know why we call it Fall? In astrology, every planet has the signs they like to be in and the signs they dislike to be in. The signs they like to be in are their domicile or home, which is the sign they rule. The planets also like their placement of exaltation, which is a sign where the energies of the planet are complimentary to the energies of that particular sign. They dislike the sign opposite of their rulership, which is called detriment, and the sign opposite their exaltation, which is called fall. The Autumnal Equinox and start of Libra season marks the fall placement of the Sun because it is opposite its exaltation in Aries. Why is this? In Aries, a fire sign, the fiery Sun gains strength heading towards its summer peak in Leo. However, in Libra, an air sign, the sun loses strength and we watch the literal fall of the Sun from the sky as the days officially begin to get shorter.

The Sun may fall, but Libra season marks a favorite time of year for me and so many others as it is a more festive and social sign, ruled by lovely Venus. Our focus turns from analytical and inward Virgo to the more pleasurable aspects of our lives in Libra season, things such as love, relationships, partnerships of all kinds, beauty, balance, fairness, compromise, pleasure, parties, socializing, and FUN. Air signs always signal a desire to connect to others and so yes, this usually means there is a degree of fun. In Virgo we were hard at work reorganizing our daily lives, but in Libra we get to settle in, relax, and enjoy life a little bit with the ones we love.

This Libra season we will see our new moon on Saturday, September 28, 2019 at 5° of Libra. This moon has some interesting aspects to it as it opposes Chiron in Aries and will very loosely square Saturn and the south node in Capricorn. New moons are always seed sewing times and when it is in Libra, we plant our seeds of love. At the very least, in Libra we begin to consider how others factor into our intentions. What do we want and need from our partners moving forward? How can we, ourselves, be better to our partners? If one is single and looking, a Libra new moon is a wonderful time to focus on what it is you really want in a divine partner. If one is single and not looking, Libra is still a really excellent energy to think about our friendships and business relationships and how we could give and receive more here. I believe the Chiron opposition to this moon will add some real vulnerability to our intentions, while the square to the south node and Saturn is going to have us serious and really pondering our long term.

In addition this week, we will see Mercury square Pluto in Capricorn and Venus square the nodes, Saturn, and Pluto all in Cap. While these aspects don't aspect the moon directly, Mercury rules our mental energies while Venus is the ruler of our new moon and so these squares will therefore play an important part. I believe Venus' square to Pluto at the time of the new moon is especially important, adding intensity to the Venusian issues already at hand. Add the Chiron opposition and we just may experience the feeling of our hearts bursting open for the world to see.

Overall, I think this new moon cycle has the potential to bring real soul progress and a degree of transformation to our lives through partnerships in some way, but brought about by an intensely vulnerable situation leading up to it. Now, how one interprets "intensely vulnerable” can vary greatly depending on circumstances. For me personally, I love intense vulnerability in my relationships because I deeply desire soul merging and intimacy with another. Our healing journeys are unique and so for some, the idea of vulnerability can be a scary notion and certainly not much fun.

For more specific intention setting though you must look to where does 5° of Libra is in your chart. Do any of your planets aspect this point? I've explained the general meaning of Libra and a Libra new moon, but one should never read a horoscope and make assumptions without knowing one's chart. Say, for example, this moon falls in your 5th and touches no planets. This would be a very different horoscope than someone who has the moon falling in their 12th (or any other house for that matter) and is touching several important planets.

Astrology is a very personal tool. My intention behind writing these astrology blogs is simply to bring awareness to my readers of the themes and cycles that play out for us individually and collectively. Pay attention to the things that come up for you this time of year. Is it a hard time for you or an easy time? Does something recur for you in Libra season? Just take notice and it may give you an idea of how to begin working with these energies.

Practical tips for the Libra New Moon:

Get fresh air in your lungs and spend time under the electric blue sky of Fall

Ask someone new on a date or say yes to a date with someone new

Spend time with loved ones

Reach out to friends

Make a date with or buy a gift for your significant other

Meditate on the attributes of Libra, such a balance, beauty, fairness

Create something beautiful

Actively listen to your loved ones

Get out and meet new people

Consider a business partner

and finally,

IF the time is right, make a marriage proposal (ps: if you so happen to be getting married around this new moon, congratulations because you have VERY good energy with which to begin your marriage.)

I hope you have found this helpful and I hope you enjoy this beautiful new moon cycle in Libra.🌙♎🌙



👇 If you would like a personal chart consultation for this moon I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I also accept donations from those who would like to further support my astrological work 👇



Saturn Stations Direct!

There are a few notable energy shifts that i will discuss in this blog today, occurring this week, September 16-22. The first, and in my opinion, most exciting is the direct station of Saturn in Capricorn at 13° on Wednesday, September 18, 2019. I'll then discuss Mercury and Venus into Libra, and finally, the final quarter square of the moon in Gemini.

Saturn has been retrograde since late April, where it began its retrograde at 20° of Capricorn. Wherever Saturn transits in your chart, think of it is a slow and sometimes painful, maturation. The degrees of Saturn's retrograde, he runs over three times; once forward, once back, and then again in forward motion. These specific degrees, 13°- 20° have been, and are still, under intense scrutiny by Saturn. Now we see him turn direct here, and beginning his final review. For the next couple of months Saturn will see just how much we have matured in this area as he moves over these degrees for a final time and then not again for another approximate 30 years. Saturn transits tend to be of a more serious nature, having to do with your real life goals and ambitions. Saturn never says no to a goal, but, BUT, he does say you must work hard to achieve it. When he retrogrades he tests just how much you are willing to work for something and this can show up in your life as frustrating stagnation and discouraging setbacks. However, the good news is that Saturn's third trip across degrees is usually his least severe, and for those who have done the work, the time when he offers up reward for perseverance. This is what makes Saturn turning direct so highly anticipated! This will be an interesting time period, in my opinion, because as he moves forward and finally ends his retrograde shadow, he then comes directly into a highly anticipated conjunction with Pluto in January 2020. In the meantime, yes, we will begin to see real progress and tangible results from the vantage point that we stand with our goals. Come January, though, will we have a new vantage point from which to view our goals? Also yes. I do believe the pending conjunction to Pluto will have a major transformative affect on life as we know it and have us looking very differently at our accomplishments and Saturnian goals. I will write more about this conjunction very soon. Meanwhile, this week Saturn stations direct, which means he stops moving backward from our vantage point on Earth and stands still in the sky. The symbolism of his stillness intensifies his energy and so you can anticipate your Saturnian issues coming to the fore at this time. More specifically, you want to look where he transits in your chart. In general, though, we're talking work, career, ambitions, responsibilities, bills, etc. Serious stuff. Just remember, he's no longer going backward, he's ready to move and reward, but Saturn, oh, well, “intense" Saturn energy just isn't that fun, i’m afraid. This week in particular may feel like one last test of endurance. My advice is to hang tight through this week, stay at it, trust your work, and remain focused. Saturn will move again soon and you will see progress in this area of your life.

The other notable energy shift is that of Mercury and Venus ingress into the sign of Libra. This actually began at our Pisces full moon and what this energy is bringing to our attention is communication and values in relationships. Libran energy typically gets us feeling all the love, and for many, I do think this transit will bring solidarity to relationship. However, these two planets quickly form squares to the nodes of the moon in Cancer/Capricorn, Saturn in Capricorn, and then Pluto in Capricorn. I believe there could be some tension, setbacks, and intensity around communication in relationship and/or where a relationship is honestly going if said relationship does not already have strongly established goals together. Established bonds, on the other hand, may experience some tests, but honestly, these are quick transits, and therefore, these tests are nothing to fret about. Minor complications, in my opinion. But, the good news is these squares don't begin until next week so in the meantime, this week could be a very light and lovely week in love. Please enjoy!

Finally, this week we will see our final quarter square in Gemini to the new moon in Virgo from late August. What goal or intention did you set at the Virgo moon? The final square in Gemini asks that we look from multiple angles to assess how things have transpired and if we need to make any final adjustments before we leave this moon cycle for another year.

I hope you have found this information helpful. If so, please share


✨Stephanie ✨

👇 to donate, please follow the link below and it will take you to my Venmo! I accept donations for any personal chart consultations (recommended $3-$5 per question) or if you would like to further support my astrological work 👇



Pisces Full Moon, September 13, 2019

The next full moon takes place on Friday, September 13th at 21° of Pisces. This is a really interesting full moon in that it is in a conjunction with Neptune and in sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. Neptune, Pluto, the moon, these are all planets of deep karma, and so when they come together in harmony this way with Pisces, there is healing ready to take place. The Pisces moon opposes the Virgo sun in trine to Pluto and conjunction to Mars. Virgo, Sun, Mars these are energies representative of the body, our health, our energy levels, our passions, and our essence. Has your energy level been shot? Your body tired, out of shape, or reacting to something in strange ways? Has your passion faded and your essence dissipated?

The moon in Pisces has come to help you release whatever it is you are hanging onto that is making you feel unlike yourself. Virgo and Pisces work as a team. Pisces is our spiritual connection and Virgo tells us the access to that spiritual connection is through body. Sometimes we hold onto pain in our body from our childhood, sometimes even past lives. Maybe you thought you already did this healing work, so why is it coming up for you again? We heal at the level we are ready to heal, which is decided upon by the wiser aspect of our self that resides deep in our subconscious. This makes healing work a constant in life, my friends. Just as our bodies require maintenance, our energies do too. The moon moves in cycles over every aspect of our lives throughout the month and on a larger cycle throughout the year to refresh us and reveal more to be healed so that we can experience deeper and truer alignment with our highest self all the time.

Pisces is a deeply emotional water sign, unafraid of the dark and vast oceans of our emotional world and the deep subconscious. You may experience things under this moon that trigger your emotions. My advice is to allow it to move through. As painful as it may be, do not try to escape it, do not try numb it with drugs or alcohol. Simply be with your emotions at this time and I promise you it will release much faster this way. With the positive alignment to Pluto, this moon means business, in that if you allow yourself to surrender to the emotions, the other side of this moon is deep transformation. When Pluto touches something, it is never the same again. When Pluto touches something, it is left anew. This moon is an opportunity for deep healing on some level and I urge you to ride the waves at this time rather than swim against them. The Universe times our moons perfectly, so what comes up for you now, trust that it is on time.

The other important note about this moon is that it is incredibly psychic. Pluto and Neptune together with the moon is deep psychic and subconscious information, an offering from spirit of a very thin veil for you to explore the other worlds to gain access and answers to your questions if you wish. Your dreams may be quite vivid. Your meditations may be quite intense, but they are offerings for you of psychic gifts. With the Pisces energy, my advice is always to relax and allow the energy to move through because it offers healing and divine guidance for you in some way.

Full moons are always a culmination of some area of life and when the full moon is in Pisces, it represents an area that offers culmination in creative and spiritual endeavors. Look to your Pisces house to see how this may play put for you, personally.

Pisces is seen as very mystical energy and it is. Pisces people are greatly misunderstood as strange and delusional even, but this is not true. The truth is, Pisces people live between the worlds. Their reality is simply not the same as yours, hence the symbol of the two fish swimming opposing directions. One fish swims in this reality, the other fish swims beyond it while the thread they each carry in their mouths keeps them linked. As a Pisces I can tell you, it is a strange way to be sometimes, a painful and often lonely way to be sometimes too, but I wouldn't trade it because these strange ways are the access I have to my gifts and greatest comfort, which is always God. What a Pisces moon offers everyone else is a glimpse of the more meaningful things in life. This moon may inspire your creativity. This moon may inspire your compassion for others. This moon may allow you to truly feel the life force energy in the wind and the trees and the rain. These are glimpses, my friends. Glimpses of God.

Pisces is the end of the zodiac, the 12th house, ruled by Neptune. These are energies that represent endings, surrender, communion, and eternal healing. Let go to them and know that with Pluto's help in Capricorn, what you let go of now paves the way for strong new beginnings. Pluto is very thorough and you can trust that what he clears for you is leaving you fertile ground for strong new foundations to be built upon.

Practical advice for this moon:




Listen to music

Receive energy healing or therapeutic massage

Schedule a therapy session

Drink water

Spend time by bodies of water

Take salt baths

Get extra sleep

Record your dreams

I hope you have found this information to be helpful. Most of all, I hope you enjoy a very positive and magical moon in Pisces ♓

🙏Namaste 🙏


👇 to donate, please follow the link below and it will take you to my Venmo! I accept donations for any personal chart consultations (recommended $3-$5 per question) or if you would like to further support my astrological work 👇



Illumined & Ephemeral: Welcome to My New Astrology Blog

Hello and welcome to the new section of my blog, Illumined and Ephemeral, where I will dive into the cosmic conversations playing out in the skies. As above, so below, my friends! We are but the micro of the macro down here. If you know me at all, you know I've had an affinity for astrology for, well, as long as you've known me. I've studied it personally since my late teens (I'm 41 now) and have always incorporated it into other aspects of my work, including my art and tarot readings. This year, I'm in the midst of experiencing a two(ish) year conjunction of Neptune to my Pisces Sun. I'm very excited about it and I'll dive deeper into the meaning of this in a future post. For the sake of this blog, in summary, this conjunction basically means my spiritual and psychic life has been kicked up about a billion notches. I love this, btw, as I'm a deeply spiritual human as it is. My passion for my spiritual work has increased so much during this time as my Pisces Sun is in my 10th house of career. During this transit I've created new goals for my work, including, ta dahhh becoming a professional astrologer. This probably surprises no one, but it occurred to me quite clearly in meditation around my birthday, 'hey, I paint the stars, I might as well know what they are trying to say!'

Am I there yet? Am I professional? No, not quite. But astrology is a rich study and one to which I am committed. I'm learning the deeper I go with this subject, the deeper there is to go. And it's awesome! I've always had an intuitive sense about astrology, but in the last couple of years, I've had some very powerful, life-changing and psychic moments telling me I understand this stuff better than I've given myself credit for. So, I decided to take my astrological studies to the next level and enroll in some professional courses in order to hone this information, and in time, begin consulting with clients. Right now I'd say I am somewhere between intermediate and very early professional level with the humility to know my studies will never end and the word "expert" is a lifetime away.

I am ready, however, to share some things that I do feel I comfortably understand. I am also ready to begin having deep conversations with people about the cosmic language of the stars and dispelling a lot of the misinformation out there of which there is just so much. It's really frustrating to those of us who have studied astrology in depth to any degree. For example, I see many people, my friends included, interested in their astrology but simultaneously getting anxiety based on some very generic information on the internet. As someone with a relative degree of anxiety already, I don't think this is ok.

What I'm interested in is making astrology grounded, practical, and personal. Therefore, I will not be doing sun sign astrology. It is my belief at this point that sun sign astrology is a lot of hype, both positive and negative, to gain interest in the astrologer and any relevance someone finds in it is purely by the chance that your sun speaks to you. Yes, the sun is powerful and important in astrology, but there are many planets and aspects in our charts, even the degrees of the zodiac have a language that can color one's sun and planets, and make it hard to relate to on a general level. In my opinion, sun sign astrology is too simplistic and not super useful.

The thing is, for astrology to apply personally, you need an accurate birth chart. Which means you need your precise birth information. Astrology is a symbolic language and if you are off even minutes in your birth time, you are off by months, even years when it comes to what the sky may be telling you on a personal level. This is why so many people who DO resonate with their Sun go on to study further, but still do not relate to the general horoscopes in the magazines or on YouTube. It's because it simply doesn't apply to you. The sky speaks to you according to your specific stars. Not everyone has time for this study and that is why astrology is work and should be considered a service. How it applies specifically to you, is based upon where these conversations are happening in your chart. Yes, if you ask me to do so, I WILL happily consult your chart to see how the current planetary energy might apply to you more specifically, however, please keep in mind this takes time and as a busy working mom, I do not always have it. I truly love to investigate this stuff and give full, insightful answers, but at this time, my work load is quite full. Therefore, if I'm going to take time away from my other work, well, I've got to pay my bills, so I will accept donations via my Venmo account for any personal chart consultations. I will make sure those questions are prioritized and answered quickly. As a starting point, I'd say $5 per question would be fair for the type of insight I can offer.
For this blog, however, I will stick to speaking to my understanding of the current planetary alignments and how I sense them playing out collectively. I will be commiting to a weekly astrological report, focusing on the current moon phase and any prominent aspects during this time. I will likely share other astrological insights as I have them, but for now I'm commiting to weekly moon phase reports. I will use my understanding of the symbols and my intuition to create a report that I've set the intention to be of benefit to the collective.

One final note I'd like to add. The planets do not create events in our lives. To be clear, that's not a thing. They DO, however, speak symbolically of your inner cycles and the deep urges compelling YOU to create change in your life, and therefore, events do happen. I believe they do speak of times when opportunities may arise for your soul growth, but how we interpret these opportunities and how they play out depends on you, your attitude, your action and/or inaction.

We are all born with our own specific energetic makeup; our specific karma, gifts, challenges, and cycles to work with in this life. We will all have tough times and auspicious times, inward times and outward times. My goal as an astrologer is to help my clients dive deeper into their own understanding of such things. To help you ride the waves and find peace and purpose through the storms, and again when the water is calm, remind you to enjoy it, rest, and maybe even take advantage of any forthcoming auspicious conditions. Everything and everyone has their time, their season, and I'm just really excited to explore that with you.

I love this work and I would ask that if you love it too, especially if you like my take on this subject, please share my work as you feel compelled to do so. Sharing goes far, trust me. Also, donating via Venmo for any personal questions and/or if you'd like to support my work further. I will link my account below.

Lastly, tomorrow I will share my first official report on the Pisces Full Moon, happening this Friday, September 13, 2019. I hope you enjoy it.

🙏Namaste 🙏


👇 to donate, please follow the link below and it will take you to my Venmo! I accept donations for any personal chart consultations (recommended $3-$5 per question) or if you would like to further support my astrological work 👇


PS: For those wondering, I use the Tropical zodiac and mostly Placidus house system. Occasionally I will use whole sign houses and equal houses, but I check Placidus first.
