Happy Libra Season and Happy Equinox! Do you know why we call it Fall? In astrology, every planet has the signs they like to be in and the signs they dislike to be in. The signs they like to be in are their domicile or home, which is the sign they rule. The planets also like their placement of exaltation, which is a sign where the energies of the planet are complimentary to the energies of that particular sign. They dislike the sign opposite of their rulership, which is called detriment, and the sign opposite their exaltation, which is called fall. The Autumnal Equinox and start of Libra season marks the fall placement of the Sun because it is opposite its exaltation in Aries. Why is this? In Aries, a fire sign, the fiery Sun gains strength heading towards its summer peak in Leo. However, in Libra, an air sign, the sun loses strength and we watch the literal fall of the Sun from the sky as the days officially begin to get shorter.
The Sun may fall, but Libra season marks a favorite time of year for me and so many others as it is a more festive and social sign, ruled by lovely Venus. Our focus turns from analytical and inward Virgo to the more pleasurable aspects of our lives in Libra season, things such as love, relationships, partnerships of all kinds, beauty, balance, fairness, compromise, pleasure, parties, socializing, and FUN. Air signs always signal a desire to connect to others and so yes, this usually means there is a degree of fun. In Virgo we were hard at work reorganizing our daily lives, but in Libra we get to settle in, relax, and enjoy life a little bit with the ones we love.
This Libra season we will see our new moon on Saturday, September 28, 2019 at 5° of Libra. This moon has some interesting aspects to it as it opposes Chiron in Aries and will very loosely square Saturn and the south node in Capricorn. New moons are always seed sewing times and when it is in Libra, we plant our seeds of love. At the very least, in Libra we begin to consider how others factor into our intentions. What do we want and need from our partners moving forward? How can we, ourselves, be better to our partners? If one is single and looking, a Libra new moon is a wonderful time to focus on what it is you really want in a divine partner. If one is single and not looking, Libra is still a really excellent energy to think about our friendships and business relationships and how we could give and receive more here. I believe the Chiron opposition to this moon will add some real vulnerability to our intentions, while the square to the south node and Saturn is going to have us serious and really pondering our long term.
In addition this week, we will see Mercury square Pluto in Capricorn and Venus square the nodes, Saturn, and Pluto all in Cap. While these aspects don't aspect the moon directly, Mercury rules our mental energies while Venus is the ruler of our new moon and so these squares will therefore play an important part. I believe Venus' square to Pluto at the time of the new moon is especially important, adding intensity to the Venusian issues already at hand. Add the Chiron opposition and we just may experience the feeling of our hearts bursting open for the world to see.
Overall, I think this new moon cycle has the potential to bring real soul progress and a degree of transformation to our lives through partnerships in some way, but brought about by an intensely vulnerable situation leading up to it. Now, how one interprets "intensely vulnerable” can vary greatly depending on circumstances. For me personally, I love intense vulnerability in my relationships because I deeply desire soul merging and intimacy with another. Our healing journeys are unique and so for some, the idea of vulnerability can be a scary notion and certainly not much fun.
For more specific intention setting though you must look to where does 5° of Libra is in your chart. Do any of your planets aspect this point? I've explained the general meaning of Libra and a Libra new moon, but one should never read a horoscope and make assumptions without knowing one's chart. Say, for example, this moon falls in your 5th and touches no planets. This would be a very different horoscope than someone who has the moon falling in their 12th (or any other house for that matter) and is touching several important planets.
Astrology is a very personal tool. My intention behind writing these astrology blogs is simply to bring awareness to my readers of the themes and cycles that play out for us individually and collectively. Pay attention to the things that come up for you this time of year. Is it a hard time for you or an easy time? Does something recur for you in Libra season? Just take notice and it may give you an idea of how to begin working with these energies.
Practical tips for the Libra New Moon:
Get fresh air in your lungs and spend time under the electric blue sky of Fall
Ask someone new on a date or say yes to a date with someone new
Spend time with loved ones
Reach out to friends
Make a date with or buy a gift for your significant other
Meditate on the attributes of Libra, such a balance, beauty, fairness
Create something beautiful
Actively listen to your loved ones
Get out and meet new people
Consider a business partner
and finally,
IF the time is right, make a marriage proposal (ps: if you so happen to be getting married around this new moon, congratulations because you have VERY good energy with which to begin your marriage.)
I hope you have found this helpful and I hope you enjoy this beautiful new moon cycle in Libra.🌙♎🌙
👇 If you would like a personal chart consultation for this moon I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I also accept donations from those who would like to further support my astrological work 👇