Sagittarians are the seekers, philosophers, travelers, and poets of the zodiac, but ultimately, they are the teachers. They have wisdom, even from a young age, and in this life, anyone with prominent Sagittarius or 9th house energy must find confidence enough to be sharing it in some fashion or form with others. Sagittarians must travel, even if just short distances and road trips. They must feel life has a sense of adventure. They must experience different people and cultures. They must also be able to ruminate on their experiences which means they must have the alone time it requires in order to do so and truly experience their lives for themselves. Sagittarius is mutable fire and I find that they are among only a few signs that basically everyone can jive with. They have the sense of humor, adventure, and intelligence that the air and fellow fire signs resonate with, and the depth of experience and emotion that the water and earth signs resonate with.
Sag teaches us that in this life, none of us are meant to shrink or stay the same. We are not here to merely exist, but to learn, more importantly, to expand our point of view. Sagittarius is represented by a centaur, half man, half beast, raising his bow and arrow to the cosmos. He aims up, always up, symbolizing growth, learning, expansion. As humans, we are here to experience these aspects of ourselves, but to always be aiming upward in our experience.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, but also optimism. Some may say 'luck,' but I believe that our thoughts create things, and when the thoughts are optimistic, then the experiences are too…. and maybe it just comes across lucky to those who view things in a more harsh light. Of everything Sag offers us, it is wise of the rest of us to understand that it is their optimism we should most definitely take away.
I have found that Sagittarians are very complex people having an array of life experiences, but naturally gifted with that little secret to peacefully co-existing with the cosmos I mention above, and that is hope and optimism. Many of the Sagittarians in my life have experienced tremendous pain and trauma. The outside world might never know it unless they were to truly dig deep with these humans simply because despite it, they still wear the happiest of faces. What is even more beautiful to me is the happy face is not a mask. It is who they are because deep inside them is unshakable faith in their experiences raising them higher. It is from this bird's eye view that they are able to find the meaning.
Sagittarius New Moon
We will have our Sagittarius new moon on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 4° of Sagittarius. Anytime a Sag new moon rolls around it's an opportunity for expansion. However, this moon is particularly special as it makes no hard aspects and will be our last moon in Sag while its ruler Jupiter sits in the same sign. Look to your chart and see what part of your life this impacts. Is it your relationships? Your career? Whatever it is, it is Jupiter's final blessing before he moves into Capricorn next week. So set your intentions and dont be afraid to go big.
Tips for a Sagittarius New Moon:
Plan a trip
Travel abroad
Spontaneous road trip
Take a class
Go hiking/camping
Ride a motorcycle
Tell someone your stories
Watch adventure movies or travel channel
Read adventure novels
Read/write poetry
Spend time gazing at the stars (one can even view Jupiter in the night sky this week!)
Eat foreign foods
Attend a religious service not of your own religion
I hope you have found this information helpful and I wish you all an expansive New Moon in Sagittarius! 🌙♐🌙
👇 If you would like a personal chart consultation for this moon cycle I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I also accept donations if you would like to further support my astrological work. Thank you 👇