Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio ♏

As I mentioned in a previous blog, I think Mercury retrograde is overhyped these days as astrology gains in popularity. Is Mercury retrograde important? Yes, but it is not to be dreaded, by any means. In astrology, each planet represents an aspect of our being. When a planet retrogrades, it is a call from the cosmos to slow down, stop, and review this aspect of our being, and then redo, as necessary. In astrology, Mercury rules our mind and how we communicate. In the sky, Mercury is the quickest moving planet and so you can see why this planet correlates to the aspect of our ever-racing human mind.

Sometimes we just need to slow down our minds before we believe that thought, send that email, text that text, post that status, buy that phone, etc. If something goes awry in your communications during a mercury retrograde, I say just trust it. Look at it as though the Universe is stopping you to ask, 'are you sure about this?' If so, go ahead! If not, take the time to review.

The other thing about Mercury retrogrades is that they take place in only a very small part of your chart. In this case, it is in Scorpio, between 11 and 27 degrees. You can look to this area of your chart and know that there may be things pertaining to this area of life that are due for review. Depending on YOUR natal planets and aspects, situations MAY come up that stop you, annoy you, or frustrate you, but it is simply because you are being asked to slow down here. I see a lot of astrologers talk with a bit of doom and gloom about planetary retrogrades, especially Mercury retrograde for some reason, and it bothers me to see unnecessary fear being stirred up by supposedly spiritual people.

Lastly, Mercury retrogrades affect some more than others. Because Mercury rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo, people with prominent energies in these signs, like a Gemini/Virgo sun, moon, and/or rising, are going to experience the retrograde more strongly. The reason for this is because these two signs came into this life with lessons to learn about the human mind, just as a Scorpio comes to learn lessons about death and power or a Taurus comes to learn about values and tangibility. Gemini and Virgo, alike, are known for their quick and intelligent minds, but what you must understand is that their minds never get a rest! These signs are prone to anxiety, stress, even mental illness because their thinking can quickly turn to overthinking or more serious things. In a way, these signs are like computers who thrive on taking in information, busyness, multitasking, and learning on multiple levels at once. One of their many lessons is to understand that they are human and though their mind exceeds many limits in comparison to others, it still has limits and requires rest. This is an issue for our Virgo/Gemini friends to remember and a reason to find gratitude that the Universe forces it upon them during a Mercury retrograde.

There are many facets to astrology to understand before making big predictions. Can bigger, more serious things happen during a Mercury retrograde? Yes, absolutely, but there are usually many things happening in a chart at once in order to see a major event, in which case, you would want an astrologer to examine your chart or at least begin studying your own astrology. Otherwise, we're talking minor nuisances or nothing at all.

So yes, this Mercury retrograde starts on Halloween and that sounds cool and spooky to say, but unless a number of other triggering factors are happening in your personal natal chart, I predict life to carry on pretty much as normal. I hope you have found this information helpful and I hope you have a super Halloween and a very thought-provoking Mercury retrograde!



👇 If you would like a personal chart consultation for this retrograde cycle I'm happy to look at your chart for a small donation to my Venmo (suggested $5 per question, account linked below) to pay for my time. I also accept donations if you would like to further support my astrological work. Thank you 👇
