Super New Moon at 20° Pisces

Super New Moon at 20° Pisces

March 10, 2024 at 4:00 am CST
The New Super Moon in Pisces brings MAGICAL shifts and opportunities, BUT first we need to let go of the ideal in our minds, and then we must be willing to take quick, RADICAL action!

This New Moon is a change in plans.

This New Moon is occurring on March 10 at 20 degrees of Pisces and is forming a tight sextile to Uranus in Taurus! A sextile is a beautiful and positive aspect of OPPORTUNITY, but unlike a trine, we must act on the sextile! In other words, we have to seek. We have to knock on a few doors, and when we do, doors open.

A New Moon in the realm of Pisces is about tapping into the otherworldly. Pisces season is a time of exploration of our dreams and the subconscious realms. Pisces is a sign known for its strong intuition, creativity, and mystical nature. Pisces is a bridge between the known and the unknown. It’s mysterious. It’s ethereal. It’s confusing, especially right now, with Mercury so close to Neptune in Pisces. There is a layer of fog with Mercury conjunct Neptune and so we just can’t quite see where this is leading.

It can be a heavy season for many because prevalent Pisces themes are some of the most challenging aspects of life, such as forgiveness and letting go. It’s in the season of Pisces that we understand that life is actually out of our hands. We have no control. We do what we can and then we must let go.

But this is where the magic of Pisces is. It’s in the letting go. Because when we let go, we open up to the Universe, to God, to the unknown, which is a million times more powerful than we will ever be.

We have to remember that after Pisces comes Aries. Pisces is, in a lot of ways, the darkness before the dawn. It’s the end before that new beginning. We can’t skip past it! But every turn of the wheel has its value. In Pisces, we learn to surrender. To release, to have faith that something bigger than us is the one steering this wheel! That there is a purpose to where we are right now, especially if it is not where we desire to be.

So there are some very positive things about this new moon that make it quite magical. Like I mentioned before, this New Moon is sextile to Uranus. This indicates that opportunities to change our situations are there, but they are not what we thought they would be. We have to let go of what we envisioned in order to see the opportnities that await. We have to let go in order to welcome something potentially even better. Sometimes we get so hyperfocused on our vision or dream and how we expect it to come about that we close ourselves off to the infinite potentials and possibilities, as well as the infinite ways that our dream can manifest itself in our reality.

This New Moon is also sandwiched between Saturn and Neptune. Which indicates that whatever intentions we are setting with this new moon, we must continue to strike the  balance, we must find the middle ground between hard work and commitment, and letting go and trusting the universe to guide us. Following our intuitive and creative impulses. Take action when we get the feeling, and then rest and trust. These new moon intentions will materialize like magic if we can follow this recipe. And this is ultimately, THE recipe. We have to have an intention for ourselves. We have to aim ourselves at it, work for it and then let it go.

The tricky thing about this new Moon is it occurs on the heels of Mars in Aquarius SQUARING Uranus. Which means the build up to this New Moon cycle has probably been full of frustration, disruption, changes in plans, and anxiety! In previous days we may have acted on impulse and allowed our frustrations to get the better of us. We may have tried to FORCE our hand or to MAKE things happen by sheer force of will, only to realize it was futile.

Because that is not how Pisces energy works. We have to let go.

So keep that in mind as we’re moving through these energies. This New Moon opens a flood gate in a lot of ways. It’s the dam finally breaking and then leading us right into eclipse season where change is inevitable. The next Full Moon is a lunar eclipse in Libra and I really like that Full Moon. I think it’s going to culminate some really beautiful things that we’ll look back to these last few months and go, oh ok. That’s what that was about! Not only that but April brings a lot of exciting changes, including a really powerful Solar eclipse in Aries and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus, which I personally cannot wait.

How you might FEEL under this Pisces New Moon energy:

Sensory overload or overwhelm

Floods of emotion

Longing for the ideal or for a spiritual home

Sadness or grief for what has ended

A desire to escape through drugs or alcohol


How to work with this energy:

Creativity. Use your imagination

Visualize your intentions

Prayer & Meditation


Cleansing baths

Grounding or Calming Practices, such as communing with nature

Keep a dream journal

LET GO. Rest. Sleep.


I hope you found this helpful. I wish you a very magical New Moon Cycle in the sign of Pisces
