New Moon at 28° Taurus

♉️New Moon in Taurus♉️

May 19, 2023 at 10:53 am CDT

This New Moon  occurs alongside a rather challenging energy, that of Jupiter, Mars, Pluto AND the Lunar Nodes in a Fixed Grand Cross that only grows more intense over the next  several days. Without going in to all the details, the energy of this Fixed Grand Cross is one that has the potential to bring great personal success or powerful self-destruction. How we use this energy is up to us.

The good news is that this New Moon in Taurus has a mitigating influence on these other more intense energies. It forms sextiles to both Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces. These gentler energies indicate that what will help us achieve the personal successes we are after is not the cutthroat, competitive or selfish approach, although that may be our instinct at this time, especially as Mars opposes Pluto!  

These watery sextiles indicate a more compassionate, understanding and even spiritual approach to achieving our goals. When you get down to it, are we not all after the same base things in life? In our own way, do we not each seek safety, security, stability and freedom that allows us to live our lives as we please? These are very Taurus themes and when we consider that Taurus is a sign signifying abundance, this is a good time to reflect on the overall abundance of the cosmos.

Human beings have been conditioned to feel as though there isn’t enough to go around. That we must hustle and push and compete our way to the top, but this is not true. This is fear. This is capitalism, but it is not the Universe. At this New Moon, we can set the intention to remove ourselves from ways of being that make us feel as though we’ll never be or have enough.

What would happen if we knew that what we seek is already ours? What would happen if we relaxed a little and began celebrating the successes of our friends and even our so-called competitors? I dare you to try it out at this New Moon. Because while there are certainly external challenges in the energy, these challenges give us an opportunity to reflect on what blocks us on an internal level and keeps us from experiencing a sense of inner peace and satisfaction.  

I’ll remind you that the cosmos are always moving us forward and presenting us with what we need to evolve and live our purpose in this lifetime. I'll even remind you that competition is an illusion because no one else has your unique voice or your unique stamp on things. But sometimes what we need are challenging circumstances that bring about a deep internal overhaul so that we can learn (or relearn) that we are limitless beings. I believe that is what is occurring at this New Moon.

Wish that I wish you all a happy New Moon in Taurus!🙏
